In this Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools we will be talking about a very popular subject: hacking wireless networks and how to prevent it from being hacked. Wifi is often a vulnerable side of the network when it comes to hacking because WiFi signals can be picked up everywhere and by anyone. Also a lot of routers contain vulnerabilities which can be easily exploited with the right equipment and software such as the tools included with Kali Linux. A lot of router manufacturers and ISPs still turn on WPS by default on their routers which makes wireless security and penetration testing even more important. With the following Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools you are able to test our own wireless networks for potential security issues. For most tools we’ve supplied a link to a tutorial which will help you get started with the tools. Let’s start off the Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools with the first tool:

1 Aircrack-ng
Aircrack is one of the most popular tools for WEP/WPA/WPA2 cracking. The Aircrack-ng suite contains tools to capture packets and handshakes, de-authenticate connected clients and generate traffic and tools to perform brute force and dictionary attacks. Aicrack-ng is an all-in-one suite containing the following tools (among others):
– Aircrack-ng for wireless password cracking
– Aireplay-ng to generate traffic and client de-authentication
– Airodump-ng for packet capturing
– Airbase-ng to configure fake access points
The Aicrack-ng suite is available for Linux and comes standard with Kali Linux. If you plan to use this tool you have to make sure your Wifi card is capable of packet injection.
2 Reaver
Number 2 in the Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools is Reaver. Reaver is another popular tool for hacking wireless networks and targets specifically WPS vulnerabilities. Reaver performs brute force attacks against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs to recover the WPA/WPA2 passphrase. Since many router manufacturers and ISPs turn on WPS by default a lot of routers are vulnerable to this attack out of the box.
In order to use Reaver you need a good signal strength to the wireless router together with the right configuration. On average Reaver can recover the passphrase from vulnerable routers in 4-10 hours, depending on the access point, signal strength and the PIN itself off course. Statistically you have a 50% chance of cracking the WPS PIN in half of the time.
3 Pixiewps
PixieWPS is a relatively new tool included with Kali Linux and also targets a WPS vulnerability. PixieWPS is written in C and is used to brute force the WPS PIN offline exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of vulnerable access points. This is called a pixie dust attack. PixieWPS requires a modified version of Reaver or Wifite to work with. Since this tools has become quite popular in little time, it earns the number 3 in our Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools list.
Modified Reaver:
4 Wifite
Wifite is an automated tool to attack multiple wireless networks encrypted with WEP/WPA/WPA2 and WPS. On start-up Wifite requires a few parameters to work with and Wifite will do all the hard work. It will capture WPA handshakes, automatically de-authenticate connected clients, spoof your MAC address and safe the cracked passwords.
5 Wireshark
Wireshark is one of the best network protocal analyzer tools available, if not the best. With Wireshark you can analyse a network to the greatest detail to see what’s happening. Wireshark can be used for live packet capturing, deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, browse and filter packets and is multiplatform.
Wireshark is included with Kali Linux but also available for Windows and Mac. For certain features you do need a Wifi adapter which is supports promiscuous and monitoring mode.
Or follow one of these online courses:
– Wireshark Crash Course
– Wireshark Tutorial – Get Wireshark Certification
6 oclHashcat
Number 6 in our Top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools is oclHashcat. oclHashcat is not a dedicated Wifi hacking tool and is not included with Kali Linux, but it can do brute force and dictionary attacks on captured handshakes very fast when using a GPU. After using the Aircrack-ng suite, or any other tool, to capture the WPA handshake you can crack it with oclHashcat using your GPU. Using a GPU with oclHashcat, instead of a CPU with Aicrack-ng, will speed up the cracking process a lot. An average GPU can try about 50.000 combinations per second with oclHashcat.
oclHashcat is available for Windows and Linux and has a version for AMD and Nvidia video cards. AMD video cards require Catalyst 14.9 exactly and Nvidia video cards require ForceWare 346.x or later to work.
7 Fern Wifi Cracker
Fern Wifi Cracker is a wireless security auditing and attack tool written in Python. Fern Wifi Cracker is the first dedicated Wifi hacking tool in this list which has an graphical user interface. Fern is able to crack and recover WEP, WPA and WPS keys and contains tools to perfom MiTM attacks.
Fern Wifi Cracker runs on any Linux distribution which contains the prerequisites. Fern Wifi Cracker is included with Kali Linux.
8 Wash
Wash is a tool to determine whether an access point has WPS enabled or not. You can also use Wash to check if an access point locked up WPS after a number of Reaver attempts. A lot of access points locks itself up as a security measure when brute forcing the WPS PIN. Wash is included with the Reaver package and comes as a standard tool with Kali Linux.
9 Crunch
Crunch is a great and easy to use tool for generating custom wordlists which can be used for dictionary attacks. Since the success rate of every dictionary attack depends on the quality of the used wordlist, you cannot avoid creating your own wordlist. Especially when you want to create wordlists based on default router passwords. Crunch can also be piped directly to other tools like Aircrack-ng. This feature can save a lot of time since you won’t have to wait until large password lists have been generated by Crunch before you can use them.
10 Macchanger
Last but not least in this top 10 Wifi Hacking Tools is Macchanger. Macchanger is a little utility which can be used to spoof your MAC address to a random MAC address or you can make up your own. Spoofing your MAC address for wifi hacking might be necessary in order to avoid MAC filters or to mask your identity on a wireless network.
Thanks for watching and please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more hacking tutorials :)
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Thanks for the info…!
You’re welcome and thanks for sharing!
Thanks u for all tuts
Wifi phisher is best and clear successful to hack wifi.
but how to install it
Thank you so much for sharing!
Video demonstration of the tutorial:
will you please help me out i am new to this
please contact me
i cant crack wpa password
send me proper method of cracking
Wpa is nearly uncrackble
I’m a huge fan of hashcat, but given that the article is titled, The top 10 wifi hacking tools in kali linux, and you start #6 with, it’s neither included in kali, and not actually a “wifi” hacking tool, shouldn’t it be “The top 9 wifi hacking tools in kali linux, and another cool one that you’re totally gonna wanna use”?
#1 social engineering tool is to use misdirection (like magic!). Basically a lot of blackhat hacking is just about lying. So why should our author be super-honest and straightforward? Those same skills are pretty handy in marketing and promoting yourself in business as well. Also: you wanna cover your butt and assure people in authority and/or large investments in IT infrastructure, that you’re not really giving script kiddies useful hacking tools.
Given all that, I’m surprised hashcat is here at all.
How can you catch wpa handshake in 36 seconds only,can you guid me how to get wpa handshake faster.
Which method has no chances to fail while hacking wpa wifi